Così come si può dire che a casa mia il dolce dell'anno 2014 sia stato sicuramente il caramel au beurre salée (e derivati), anche se siamo solo a marzo posso azzardarmi a dire che il dolce dell'anno 2015 probabilmente sarà il tortino al cioccolato con cuore fondente, quello tipo soufflé. Diciamo che è la prima nomination per l'Oscar 2015!
Spopola su blog e social da anni, e non so bene perché non l'avessi mai provato. Forse perché non sono una fan del cioccolato fondente. Finalmente, in un nuvoloso giorno di febbraio, l'ho visto fare su Masterchef USA come prova eliminatoria; avevano dato solo 45 minuti di tempo, il che mi ha fatto capire che la ricetta non doveva essere così complessa. Allora, bisognosa di comfort food e con poca voglia di spignattare, ho deciso di cercare ricette online e fare un tentativo. Ovviamente ho trovato decine di ricette, ma... tanto per provare... ne ho scelte due, ho confrontato un poco le dosi, ho fatto un piccolo adattamento e mi sono lanciata. Risultato: 5 fantastici tortini, la cui cremosità interna era gocciolosa e soddisfacente, e il fatto di mangiarli caldi appena sfornati (e sformati) era un plus notevole.
E ora mi frullano già in mente delle varianti, tipo usare il cioccolato al latte, o farli diventare senza glutine, e magari vegetariani, sostituendo alcuni ingredienti. Insomma, si prestano a sperimentazioni!
E ora mi frullano già in mente delle varianti, tipo usare il cioccolato al latte, o farli diventare senza glutine, e magari vegetariani, sostituendo alcuni ingredienti. Insomma, si prestano a sperimentazioni!
Io ho usato cioccolato fondente al 50% di cacao, con un pizzico di cannella e uno di vanillina (per mitigare un po' l'amarezza del fondente); i miei si sono cotti in 14 minuti, forse potevano stare anche 13, però quello dipende tanto dal forno e da quanto li volete liquidi al centro... bisogna provare!! :-P
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Foto presa dal blog LA CUCINA IMPERFETTA |
My "cake of the year" 2014 was the salted butter caramel (and spin-offs), even if we are still in March I would say that the cake of the year 2015 could be the chocolate cake with melting heart, a kind of chocolate soufflé. Let's say that it's the first Oscar Nominee for 2015!
It has been a hit on several blogs and social networks since ages and I actually don't know why I've never tried it before. Maybe because I'm not a big fan of dark chocolate. In the end, on a cloudy February day, I saw they made it on Masterchef USA tv show, as an elimination test; they gave them only 45min and it made me realize that it couldn't be such a complicated recipe. I was in need of comfort food and I didn't want to cook a lot, so I looked online for the recipe and I tried. Obviously, I found many recipes, but... just to try... I choose two of them, I compared them, did some small adjustments and I got into it. Results: 5 delicious small cakes with a really melting heart, and the fact that you can eat them warm just jumped out of the oven was actually a nice plus.
Now I'm thinking about many variation, to use milk chocolate, to make them gluten free and veggie, or flavoured. After all, this recipe is ready to take some crash test!
Here you find the link with the recipe (in italian):
blog LA CUCINA IMPERFETTA recipe chocolate melting cake
I used dark chocolate 50%, with a pince of cinnamon and vanilla powder (to lessen the bittery flavour); my cakes were done in 14 minutes, maybe 13min were enough, but this it depends on your oven and on your taste (if you want them more or less liquid)... you must try! :-P
My "cake of the year" 2014 was the salted butter caramel (and spin-offs), even if we are still in March I would say that the cake of the year 2015 could be the chocolate cake with melting heart, a kind of chocolate soufflé. Let's say that it's the first Oscar Nominee for 2015!
It has been a hit on several blogs and social networks since ages and I actually don't know why I've never tried it before. Maybe because I'm not a big fan of dark chocolate. In the end, on a cloudy February day, I saw they made it on Masterchef USA tv show, as an elimination test; they gave them only 45min and it made me realize that it couldn't be such a complicated recipe. I was in need of comfort food and I didn't want to cook a lot, so I looked online for the recipe and I tried. Obviously, I found many recipes, but... just to try... I choose two of them, I compared them, did some small adjustments and I got into it. Results: 5 delicious small cakes with a really melting heart, and the fact that you can eat them warm just jumped out of the oven was actually a nice plus.
Now I'm thinking about many variation, to use milk chocolate, to make them gluten free and veggie, or flavoured. After all, this recipe is ready to take some crash test!
Here you find the link with the recipe (in italian):
blog LA CUCINA IMPERFETTA recipe chocolate melting cake
I used dark chocolate 50%, with a pince of cinnamon and vanilla powder (to lessen the bittery flavour); my cakes were done in 14 minutes, maybe 13min were enough, but this it depends on your oven and on your taste (if you want them more or less liquid)... you must try! :-P
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